Join us for National Come Try Rowing Day
- Featured
- Jun 2, 2021
Discover rowing with us this June for National Come Try Rowing Day!
In conjunction with RCA and Provincial Rowing Associations, clubs across the country are hosting free, fun and safe introductory rowing sessions on Saturday June 26 and Sunday June 27, 2021.
“We are looking forward to National Come Try Rowing Day,” said John Armitage, Head Coach at Kingston Rowing Club. “Along with the recently announced Grow Rowing funding and our ongoing #MadSculls youth summer rowing camp, we look forward to introducing many Kingstonians to the joy of rowing. Rowing is growing!”
A full list of National Come Try Rowing Day events taking place across the country can be found HERE.
Connect with us @rowingcanada on social media: #ComeTryRowing #EssayezLAviron