Safe Sport
Transition to Abuse-Free Sport – AS OF DECEMBER 13, 2022
Rowing Canada Aviron (RCA) believes that everyone in rowing has the right to enjoy the sport at all levels of participation. Athletes, coaches, officials, umpires and volunteers have the right to participate in a safe and inclusive training and competitive environment that is free of abuse, harassment or discrimination – collectively referred to as maltreatment. The welfare of everyone involved in the sport is a foremost consideration and in particular the protection of children/athletes in the sport is the responsibility of each individual and member in the rowing community.
RCA recognizes that this is an evolving area of focus for all sports in Canada. Our Safe Sport program will continue to focus on education, prevention and response, all of which will be supported by strong governance, policies and procedures.
Complaint Processes
An Independent Third Party (ITP) for Rowing in Canada has been in place since April 2019 and one of our priority initiatives was the creation and adoption of a Pan-Canadian Safe Sport Policy Manual that is harmonized across our sport – it is uniform and is aligned at the RCA, Provincial Rowing Association and local levels. This ensures that standards of behaviour and conduct, as well as procedures, breaches and sanctions are consistent across the country and at all levels.
In June 2022, services from the Office of the Sport Integrity Commissioner (OSIC) became available to National Sport Organizations through Abuse-Free Sport, the new independent mechanism to prevent and address maltreatment in sport. Our pan-Canadian Safe Sport Policy Manuals were originally designed with the knowledge that an entity such as Abuse-Free Sport would eventually come into effect. A goal of ours has always been to seamlessly transition oversight of complaints related to maltreatment to an entity such as Abuse-Free Sport, with as little disruption to the harmonized approach and our member organizations as possible.
Rowing Canada Aviron recently announced that we have signed an agreement to join Abuse-Free Sport and effective December 13, 2022 some complaints will now be filed with Abuse-Free Sport.
Policies and Resources
Safe Sport Policy Manual – Updated – June 5, 2024
Coaching Association of Canada Safe Sport Training
Rule of Two
Poster: Open and Observable Environments
Poster: Support Services
RCA Safe Sport Webinar: April 3, 2024
RCA Safe Sport Committee Updates
RCA Transition to Abuse-Free Sport Webinar (November 29, 2022) [webinar]
RCA Safe Sport: A Harmonized Approach to Prevent and Address Maltreatment in Canadian Rowing [webinar recording] [webinar slides]
RCA Safe Sport: A Harmonized Approach – Community Implementation and Next Steps [webinar recording] [webinar slides]
When informal resolution is not possible, depending on the type of complaint, individuals may file a complaint to either the Independent Third Party for Rowing or the Office of the Sport Integrity Commissioner (OSIC), a division of Abuse-Free Sport.
Formal complaint processes, which may include an investigation and/or Disciplinary Panel, is a detailed, and at times a resource extensive process that can take several weeks to months to complete. Not all differences of opinion constitute maltreatment or misconduct. Individuals who feel comfortable doing so are encouraged to try to resolve their dispute informally before engaging in the complaint process.
Effective December 13, 2022, complaints will be filed with either the Independent Third Party for Rowing or Abuse-Free Sport.
Information about Abuse-Free Sport/OSIC and the Independent Third Party are located in this resource, including the following:
- General information on Abuse-Free Sport and the ITP for Rowing
- What to consider before filing a complaint
- Where to file a complaint
- How to file a complaint
Abuse Free Sport
Learn more about Abuse-Free Sport by visiting their website.
Independent Third Party for Rowing
RCA has enlisted the services of an Independent Third Party, Lise MacLean of Wiser Workplaces.
A Certified Human Resources Professional (CHRP) with nearly twenty years of experience as a human resources consultant, manager and executive in the public, not-for-profit, and private sectors, Lise Maclean is a certified Workplace Investigator and is currently a member of the Sport Dispute Resolution Centre of Canada Investigation Unit and the HRPA Discipline Committee.
Lise is a highly trained and skilled professional equipped to deal with Safe Sport issues with sensitivity and in confidence. She is able to review, advise and refer issues for further action independently of RCA. If you wish to connect with Lise, you may contact her by email at lise@wiserworkplaces.ca or by phone at 613 404-2000.
Outcomes of disciplinary matters that are required to be published pursuant to Rowing Canada Aviron’s Discipline and Complaints Policy can be found below.
- Disciplinary Hearing Decision – July 27, 2020 – D Thompson
- Full Written Decision with Reasons on Complaints – April 20, 2021 – B Williams
- Rowing Canada Aviron has recently learned that a permanent expulsion was imposed against Daniel Aucoin in the province of Quebec starting on December 1, 2023. In accordance with Section 60 of Rowing Canada Aviron’s Discipline and Complaints Policy, modified accordingly in the circumstances, the decision will apply automatically to and must be respected for its duration by Rowing Canada Aviron, all of its Members and any Individuals (as defined in Rowing Canada Aviron’s Safe Sport Policy Manual) involved.
Rowing Canada Aviron (RCA) is committed to Safe Sport and adhering to best practices through our Every Coach Certified (ECC) initiative. This initiative is focused on educating and supporting our coaches through a foundational series of NCCP eLearning modules centered around long term development for athletes and coaches, rower safety, and ethical decision making. Coaches must also complete RCA’s screening requirements, including submitting to a Criminal Record Check.
RCA also acknowledges the dedication and support of our member organizations as we collaborate to deliver on the principles of Safe Sport, ensuring coaches develop programs that provide a safe, fun, and enriching rowing environment.
The following is a list of coaches that have completed all ECC requirements and are registered as a coach at an RCA member organization.
Coaches that are suspended pursuant to our Rowing Canada Aviron Safe Sport Policy will be removed from the Good Standing list.
For more information on the ECC initiative and Coaching Education and Development, please visit RCA’s Coaches page. To update the list for your organization, please contact colleenmiller@rowingcanada.org
This list is up to date as of September 2024.