Updated Rules of Racing now available
- Featured
- Apr 6, 2022
Following extensive consultation with RCA committees, Provincial Rowing Associations, and RCA member clubs and associations, RCA is pleased to present the updated RCA Rules of Racing as approved by the membership at the 2022 Semi-Annual Meeting.
The revised Rules of Racing will become effective on June 8, 2022. All regatta sanction applications submitted for events scheduled to occur on or after June 8, 2022, must comply with the revised Rules of Racing.
“The Rules of Racing are an essential part of the governance of our sport and the development of rowing through competition at every level,” said Bill Donegan, Chair of the RCA Rules of Racing Review Working Group. “Every four years RCA appoints a Working Group to consult with the community and review the entire rulebook in detail. The purpose of this exercise is to ensure our rules align with international developments, while remaining relevant to all levels of domestic competition. The team assembled by RCA worked diligently to deliver substantial changes, which were all accepted by the membership at the recent Semi-Annual meeting. I want to thank the Working Group members for their dedication and work, and the Canadian rowing community for their input and participation in the process.”
The new Rules of Racing can be found on RCA website here.
Any questions from Local Organizing Committees or Umpires should be directed to their Provincial Rowing Association.
If you wish to connect with RCA, please reach out to Mike Bagshawe, Chair RCA Safety and Events Committee or Judy Sutcliffe, Chair RCA Umpires Committee.
RCA Rules of Racing Review Working Group
Bill Donegan (Ontario)
Judy Sutcliffe (Ontario)
Julie-Ann Vincent (Nova Scotia)
Matt Waddell (Ontario)
Mike Bagshawe (British Columbia)
Andrew Smith (Ontario)
Dave Derry (Ontario)
Brooklea Graham (Alberta)
Mike Walker (Ontario)
Brent Duncan (British Columbia)
Julie Thibault (Quebec)
Carol Purcer (RCA President, ex-officio)
RCA Staff Support
Jennifer Fitzpatrick (RCA Director of Partnerships and Sport Development)
Matt Draper (RCA National Events Manager)