The Great Indoors is back!
- Indoor Rowing
- Oct 19, 2021
Are you up for a challenge? Whether you’ve never used a rowing machine before or indoor rowing is already part of your daily workout routine, we have something for you! The Great Indoors is back, with a series of new indoor rowing challenges launching this November.
The Epic Canadian Adventure will run from November 22 to December 10, and will see participants collectively row around Canada on rowing machines, making “stops” in each province and territory.
Canadians can participate as individuals or on a team, submitting metres rowed to our NEW online leaderboard. The teams that contribute the most metres will be named grand prize winners, and individuals finishing in the top 25 will be entered in a draw to win a prize package.
The Sprint Series will consist of three weeklong challenges (starting November 22, November 29 and December 6) in which individuals will be challenged to row 100m, 500m and 1000m distances and log their times online. All participants will be entered in a draw to win a prize package.
Registration will open and further details will be announced in early November. The Great Indoors challenges are open to and free for both RCA members and non-members. All participants must reside in Canada.
The Great Indoors is an RCA initiative that was launched in February with the goal of growing and promoting the discipline of indoor rowing in Canada. Our online hub for indoor rowing resources, news and events can be found here.
Get easy access to our indoor rowing resources by downloading our app for free on the Google Play and Apple App stores.
Connect with us @rowingcanada: #TheGreatIndoors
Come and explore the Great Indoors with us!
Individuals and RCA member organizations must continue to abide by their local, provincial and federal public health guidelines.