Canadian Sport for All Initiative Funding
- Featured
- Jul 6, 2022
It was recently announced that Rowing Canada Aviron (RCA) is a recipient of Community Sport for All Initiative funding from the Federal Government.
This funding is dedicated to programming designed to remove barriers and increase sport participation for underrepresented populations. Alongside our Provincial Rowing Associations, and with the support of several rowing clubs, RCA submitted a proposal requesting funding to increase participation in rowing for the following equity-deserving populations: Black, Indigenous, 2SLGBTQQIA+, newcomers, and girls and women.
Our desire is to support programming immediately, and since the on-water season is already underway across the country, we will disburse funding in two phases: the first phase will be for current programs or those with the potential to begin immediately and the second phase will be for those that will begin later in the season (e.g. Fall 2022).
Applications for Phase 1 are due July 19 and those for Phase 2 are due August 8.
Program Details
The aim of the programming is to increase sport participation and retention of equity-deserving communities.
Programs must have the following:
- an organized sport active component
- delivered with minimal to no cost to the participants
- tailored to the equity-deserving group but need not be exclusionary
Programming can be for first experiences or for continuation of rowing. Applicant clubs are strongly encouraged to establish partnerships with local community organizations/groups that are representative of the equity-deserving populations and create programming in collaboration with them. Some examples of activities for your proposal include:
- Drop-in/come and try rowing experiences
- Half-day introduction to rowing events
- Mini (~3 session) or full learn to row programs
- Tailored team building and leadership sessions through rowing
- Continuation programs/memberships (on-water and/or indoor)
- Active participation involvement in related festivals/events
- Single or weeklong youth day camps (include other non-rowing activities such as building a boat)
- Winter indoor rowing programs
- Single mothers programs with childcare
- Parent and youth combination programs
- Programs with transportation included
- Programs integrated with social supports (e.g. dinner after the row)
We strongly encourage clubs to consider the benefits of indoor rowing and the barriers that it can help overcome for some of the equity-deserving groups (see London Youth Rowing). Additionally, we are very interested in supporting programming that combines active participation with community engagement, team building, and life skills development (e.g. Stem2Stern).
Eligible program expenses include remuneration, administration, operations and programming.
Examples of approved expenses include:
- Coach remuneration
- Safety Equipment (e.g. approved PFDs preferred by the equity-deserving group)
- Trailering, gas, equipment maintenance
- Equipment (e.g. ergometers, beginner-friendly shells)
- Meals, snacks, BBQ events, etc.
- Enhanced onsite inclusion (e.g. signage)
- Transportation fees
- Childcare
Funding amounts will be dependent on volume of applications and level of impact. Funding amounts will likely range from ~ $10,000-$30,000 per program.
RCA Member Clubs that have completed the RCA Annual Declaration Process and have no outstanding finance receivables owing to RCA are eligible for this funding. The following must also be in place:
- Member in Good Standing with Provincial Rowing Association
- RCA Safe Sport Policy Manual in effect by the application submission date
- A lead Administrator and Coach assigned to the program(s)
- Compliant with all Every Coach Certified Requirements
Additional requirements and expectations will be detailed in grant contribution agreements between RCA and recipient clubs.
Member organizations that are recipients of grants will be required to provide interim and final program reports.
Application Process
Phase 1: For programs that already exist or can start immediately.
- Funding can be used for expenses incurred from April 4, 2022-August 31, 2022.
- Complete the online form by 9 am PT July 19, 2022.
Phase 2: For programs that can take place September 1, 2022-March 31, 2023
- Funding can be used for expenses incurred from September 1, 2022-March 31, 2023.
- Phase 2 funding requests can be for a continuation of Phase 1 programming.
- Complete the online form by 9 am PT August 8, 2022.
The online form will allow you to generate a PDF copy of your submission. If you are unable to generate this file, please contact us at aclarke@rowingcanada.org.
Questions about the application form can be directed to Alethia Clarke, RCA Member Services Coordinator (aclarke@rowingcanada.org). Questions related to your application and requests for support can be directed to Alethia or please contact your Provincial Rowing Association. The application questions can be viewed here.
Photo: Sport Canada