Call for Expressions of Interest: Safe Sport Director
- Featured
- Oct 11, 2019
Deadline for Expressions of Interest – October 18th, 2019
(Volunteer Position)
Rowing Canada Aviron (RCA) is the national governing body for the sport of rowing in Canada and is a registered Canadian charity. RCA serves a broad constituency of over 12,000 participants from over 130 member clubs and associations across the country and is proud to be one of Canada’s top performing summer Olympic sports.
RCA believes that everyone in rowing has the right to enjoy the sport at all levels of participation. Athletes, coaches, officials, umpires and volunteers have the right to participate in a safe and inclusive training and competitive environment that is free of abuse, harassment or discrimination.
RCA is seeking to appoint a suitably qualified volunteer to their Board of Directors with a specific mandate to oversee the development of their Safe Sport strategy, policy and procedures. As outlined in 9.5 of the RCA By-Laws, the Board of Directors may appoint one additional director to hold office for a for a one-year term.
Skills and Experience
In addition to the qualifications described in the RCA Director Profile, the Board is seeking candidates with a proven track record as a leader in sport and demonstrated expertise in the development of Safe Sport governance, policies and procedures, for education, prevention and response to abuse, harassment and bullying.
Key Competencies
- Subject matter expertise and or experience in the prevention of abuse and harassment in sport
- Legal background or qualified legal counsel
- An understanding of the Canadian sport community, including PT governments jurisdiction and sport organization relationships
- Positive leadership experience in significant organizational and/or cultural change
RCA Board Members meet in person approximately three times per year on weekends (typically Spring, Fall, and during the RCA National Conference in January) and at other times via conference call throughout the year. Board Members can also serve as liaisons to RCA Committees and Working Groups and as such, provide leadership and guidance to these Committees on an ongoing basis.
Term of Office
Term expiring in one year or by the close of the next Annual Meeting of members, whichever comes first.
Other Requirements
Directors and Officers must fulfill all requirements of the Canada Corporations Act (or its successor legislation, the Canada Not-for-Profit Corporations Act) and the Canada Revenue Agency’s requirements for Board Members of Registered Charities.
If you meet these requirements, offer some of the key competencies, and are interested in contributing your expertise to our organization, please send a resume and statement of interest by October 18th, 2019 to Secretary to the RCA Board of Directors, Sid Murdoch rca@rowingcanada.org.
Inquiries for additional information about the appointment should be directed to CEO Terry Dillon tdillon@rowingcanada.org or to the President, Carol Purcer president@rowingcanada.org.
For more information on RCA governance, click here.
Photo: Merijn Soeters