Call for Expressions of Interest: RCA Rules of Racing Review Working Group
- Featured
- Oct 19, 2020
Deadline for Expressions of Interest – October 26, 2020, 9:00am PT
RCA is seeking to expand the membership of our Rules of Racing Review Working Group through the addition of up to 2 more individuals from the rowing community.
The RCA Rules of Racing Review Working Group (the Working Group) is a constituted working group of the Rowing Canada Aviron (RCA) Board of Directors operating under the CARA By-Laws Section 20.2. The Working Group will provide the RCA Board recommendations for consideration to be presented to the membership for approval at the Semi-Annual Meeting in January 2022. The mandate and key duties of the Working Group are listed in the Terms of Reference.
The Working Group consists of volunteers and is supported by RCA staff.
Skills and Experience
Applicants should have a deep working knowledge of the RCA Rules of Racing and ideally the FISA Rules of Racing. Candidates should also have experience in any or a combination of the following:
- club administration/oversight;
- club-level coaching; and
- regatta organizing and delivery
Individuals with exceptional attention to detail, refined collaboration and consultation skills, and the ability to meet the time commitment expectations will enjoy and excel in this role. Applications from individuals from British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Quebec will be given preference.
The Working Group will meet by video conference or telephone. Meetings will be as called as required by the Chairperson.
The Term of the Working Group will generally be for 14 months, from November 2020 to January 2022.
Time Commitment
Members of the working group should expect to participate in a minimum of two to four meetings of one to two hours duration each month. Additional work will be expected outside of meeting times.
Individuals who meet the desired skills and experience and are interested in contributing their expertise to our organization, please send a brief resume and statement of interest by October 26, 2020 to Matt Draper, RCA National Events Manager (mdraper@rowingcanada.org).
Inquiries for additional information about these roles and should be directed to Jennifer Fitzpatrick, RCA Director of Partnerships and Sport Development (jfitzpatrick@rowingcanada.org).
Rowing Canada Aviron is the National Sport Governing body for rowing in Canada. RCA is an inclusive organization. Fairness, respect, equity and inclusion are included in RCA’s corporate values. RCA welcomes the involvement of all persons in its programs and services, leadership and employment regardless of language, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, physical ability, or marital or family status.