Call for Expressions of Interest: Provincial Director
- Featured
- May 1, 2020
Rowing Canada Aviron (RCA) and the Provincial Advisory Council (PAC) are seeking nominations for individuals to fill a vacant position on the RCA Board of Directors – Provincial Director.
The Provincial Director is the Chair of PAC, reports on PAC activities to the RCA Board, attends meetings in person and via conference call, and is expected to fulfill all the fiduciary and governance responsibilities of a full member of the RCA Board.
PAC members attend regular conference calls (approximately eight per year) and also meet in person, including at the RCA National Conference in January.
The PAC is a committee of RCA, duly constituted under its by-laws, responsible for maintaining effective communication between and among Provincial Rowing Associations (PRAs) and RCA, for the sharing of issues, and for acting as a sound board for committees and the Board of RCA on matters of importance to the development of the sport of rowing at the local and provincial levels.
Key Duties:
The PAC will perform the following key duties:
Appoint an individual of its choosing to the RCA Nomination Committee
Identify suitable candidates for various committees of RCA for appointment by the RCA Board or CEO as appropriate
Review the recommendations emanating from RCA committees and advise on any operational implications
Exchange information and best practices, relay information from the Board or committees of RCA, and collaborate on inter-provincial matters
Provide organized input into plans, policies and programs of RCA, and in particular, engage fully in the development of RCA strategic plans in accordance with RCA’s process and timetable
Assist with the coordination and implementation of RCA plans, programs and policies within PRAs
Identify PRA, club or other stakeholder issues that should be brought to the attention of the RCA Board or RCA committees
Carry out such additional duties as may be agreed to by the RCA Board and PAC from time to time
Click here to download a copy of the PAC’s Terms of Reference.
RCA Board Members meet in person approximately three times per year on weekends (typically spring, fall, and during the RCA National Conference in January) and at other times via conference call throughout the year. Board Members can also serve as liaisons to RCA Committees and Working Groups and as such, provide leadership and guidance to these committees on an ongoing basis.
Directors and Officers must fulfill all requirements of the Canada Corporations Act (or its successor legislation, the Canada Not-for-Profit Corporations Act) and the Canada Revenue Agency’s requirements for Board Members of Registered Charities.
If you meet these requirements, offer some of the key competencies as our liaison to the RCA Board, and you are interested in contributing your expertise to our progressive and innovative organization, please send a resume and statement of interest by May 20, 2020:
Provincial Advisory Council
Email: rca@rowingcanada.org